Research provides more and more evidence that hemp has many health benefits for the human body. The main advantage of the hemp plant is that it has a lower concentration of THC and other components that make cannabis exhibit some...
Cannabis has great potential for treating a variety of diseases. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the non-psychoactive agents of hemp and studies have shown that CBD could positively influence many disease courses, including ALS1. What Is ALS? ALS or Amyotrophic...
Los supositorios son píldoras diseñadas para administrar medicamentos a través de las cavidades anales o vaginales. Los avances en los nuevos sistemas de administración de drogas por vía rectal muestran un potencial prometedor para entregar directamente en la circulación sistémica,...
Vemos similitudes entre los efectos secundarios del CBD y los síntomas de la enfermedad renal. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no hay pruebas que sugieran que el CBD tenga algún efecto adverso sobre la función renal. Existen lagunas de conocimiento...
El espasmo muscular, un dolor debilitante, puede afectar a cualquiera. Puede ser una lesión deportiva o, a veces, un síntoma de una afección neurológica. Los medicamentos tradicionales son ineficaces y tienen efectos secundarios peligrosos. La gente está deseando probar las...
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological autoimmune disease which affects the central nervous system. This chronic and progressively debilitating disease is one of the most common of the autoimmune diseases, affecting young adults and middle-aged people. The way in which...
According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a result of the escalated number of children suffering from Autism, it is essential for parents to understand ASD. To date, clinical studies...
We have already talked about the healing properties of CBD when treating Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and substance withdrawal. But how are these conditions related to essential tremor and where does CBD come in? It turns out that essential tremor...